fredag 18. november 2011

u k u l e l e

Foto: lenke i hvert bilde.

Siri Nilsen, den fineste ukulelespillende artisten jeg vet om er endelig ute med ny plate. "Alle snakker sant" er fantastisk! Løp og kjøp!

My favorite ukuleleplaying artist Siri Nilsen has released a new record. Hope you take the time to check it out even though she sings in Norwegian. It is truly beautiful!

4 kommentarer:

Anne Grete sa...

Den er HELT fantastisk... Jeg digger henne! Har hørt henne på spotify om og om igjen:)

Ha en fin kveld!

Jane sa...

*inn på wimp for å finne den plata, å høre på den* Takk for tipset ;)

Ønsker deg en finfin lørdag
klem Jane

Anonym sa...

You are totally right, this song is truly beautiful! And the video matches it perfectly. What is it about? In my non-Norwegian speaking mind it is about the fleeting nature of life, love and the sun - am I way off here? :) And btw, your blog is great and I am a regular reader (or...watcher?). Please keep it up :) Katie

christin sa...

Katie: Thank you for your kinds words. They mean alot. Siri has just translated all her lyrics into english. The song from the video translates into "They all speak the truth". See the translation here: