søndag 9. januar 2011

d e t r o i t

Foto: Yves Marchand og Romain Meffre.

Moderne ruiner i Detroit. Byen som en gang var den amerikanske bilindustriens storslåtte hovedstad forfaller. Flere av de forlatte bygningene er dokumentert av fotografene Yves Marchand og Romain Meffre. Se flere bilder her.

Abandoned buildings in Detroit. More pictures here.

9 kommentarer:

The House That Lars Built sa...

oh my. now that's kind of creepy yet kind of awesome. good find!

Global Atelier sa...

These photographs are stunning and yet I feel so sad that Detroit is in such a state of decay. I hope this will change!

Anja sa...

Smukt og trist på en gang.

Anonym sa...

Breathtaking space... and beutifully photograped!

Global Atelier sa...

Hello Lovely:

I would like to give you the "Stylish Blogger Award" for your beautiful and so inspiring blog!

How this award works is that it's passed on from blogger to blogger, so I received the award from someone and I pass on the award to others. Part of this award is to write 7 things about yourself (on your blog post) and pass this award to 15 other recently discovered blogs you think deserves this award too.

You can see my post and the link for the award here:
* Thank and link back to the person that awarded me.
* Share 7 things about myself.
* Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered bloggers.
* Contact those bloggers about the award!

Thank you for all of your inspiration! xoxo Julie

Julie-Inspired sa...

Wow..these are amazing.

Sister Golden Air sa...

Enig med de andre her, trist og vakkert på en gang. Håper noen blir inspirert av bildene til å gjøre noe bra for Detroit

nadja sa...


små og store drømmer sa...

trist, nifts, men samtidig vakkert!